Larry Lars is a fantastic Star Wars themed lego builder. If you've been missing his Force-aided building check it out! He de-Santafied the slay to just the landspeeder that was used in his Christmas creation.
Well, the blog was supposed to be off for the holidays but I was itching to blog and well, Larry Lars deserves it.
Err... I HAD to blog something...
Merry Christmas!*
Aaron Andrews (DARKSpawn) built a perfect little Christmas scene featuring a troll, orcs, a spider, and of course, a kitten.
On that note, I'd like to wish everyone a happy Kwanzaa, and promise to blog more come 2009.
YSAB is officially on break until January 2nd 2009.
Happy Holidays!
*Political correctness be dammed, I'll wish you what I want to wish you. Which is funny, as I'm not Christian.
I would Blog more....
But exams have a way of making you study...
Phong Chang, widely known on MocPages as a superior mecha builder, demonstrates his power with his Armored Core: C-397G Vulcan.
I've been watching Phong's creations since I started MocPages way back then. I've missed a couple of his since I got flickr. Note to self: always check MocPages for extremely talented builders who have not joined flickr.
Dude! Where's my Buggy!?!?!
Legovaughan is a really gifted space builder. Lately he unveiled his Terrestrial Buggy, which I might say is one of the most compact moonrovers I have ever seen that looks awesome. He uses a cool Technique to get the wheels just right.
Don't forget to buckle up! Low gravity terrain has a tendency to throw you out of your vehicle.
I also suggest you follow his WIP that he recently just started sharing.
I seriously can't think of a good title, goodnight.
But this interceptor is really good:
It's by this guy Dean, I think I know him?
Peter Reid's latest creation is, as usual, a goldmine of parts usage. My favourites are the gun sights and head design.
YASB is Dead ;_;
lol, jk, we're just lazy
Mike Crowley has built hardsuit that actually fits a minifig. For this, I rank it way higher then all that head-on-a-brickbuilt-body stuff.
Overall, I'd rate this a 78/DR. That is, it's 78% as good as David Rabadan's suit.
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Tags: jacob, space, still alive
I Can Has Flu?
Why yes, yes I can.
Lucky for you, you can has helicopter! Or at least a link to the one Mike built.
The Aurora is after You!
Nannan's fantastic creations are worth waiting for! Recently he has built the Aurora, a sleek ship that I would definently do a bit of swooshing with...
"Designed and piloted by an outcast Katari engineer, the Aurora boosts a system of advanced flight controls customized to the eccentric and lethal preferences of its creator. The deadly fighter supports avant-garde space combat technology of the Katari, namely the much feared ability to execute the photon shift, in which the entire craft is seen to teleport short distances in space, making it an extremely difficult target to tag."
In Nannan's Photostream
*Oh! I'm back from vacation, hope you all had a happy turkeyday!*
Dave Eaton

David Eaton is a great builder you may not have noticed before, but you should really see some of his stuff. By far his most impressive MOC is this monster AT-AT from Star Wars, but he has also created a replica of the rebel base from Episode V.

Check This Out:
You gotta love Adrain Florea's models, with this recent MOC he demonstrates his skill for playing with negative space. The orange striping is particularily well done.
Happy Turkey Day!
Turkeys especially love it around my house, due to the epidemic of vegetarianism that enshrouds it.
Image courtesy of Adrian Drake, used and altered without permission.
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Tags: end of the world as we know it, mech, mike
Jerac gives us a lesson in part usage
The Feast is nearing....
If you haven't been following Chris Parkinson's large, and very creative, spaceship then should! He has great pictures of his construction and zoomed in pictures of the details one might miss.
On another note, I will be away for a week, so hopefully nothing crazy will happen nor anything great to be unveiled whilst I'm away- I fear the apocalypse is nearing and I won't be able to blog it...ugh the agony.
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Tags: Raxor, space, still alive
I Shall Call This Post "Cabbage" Because "Untitled" Is Just Lame
I can't believe I'm actually posting.
1) My uncle died last week.
2) I've been going apeshit over a certain female.
3) School has been sucking my time like nothing else can.
Good Gravy. I've been busy.
And yet, I find time to blog this awesome fightercraft by Flickrite Hase0.
As well as this craft by Flickrite McZargald. The use of color blocking and stickers makes this a beauty to behold.
Stay tuned, there are rumors that I'll be producing MOCs again soon.
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Tags: mike, space, still alive
I'm still alive!
Daniel Jassim certainly deserves a lot more attention with his awesome creations. A builder based on space, like most of us here at YSA(duh!), he makes ship-building look easy. Daniel builds small and large ships, I happened to choose my favorite of his recent uploads, the Y-wing Advanced.
Lovely lime green trim surely throws a ton of flavor into the creation. *take note*
If you want to see more of Daniel's photostream, which I encourage, then click Here
Don't insult a Centuar...
Large ships have a way with killing themselves with their large size combined with the difficulty in giving it a sleek shape. But Fazoom has conquered this barrier and produced the Centaur, a ship I (and many others) have been awaiting on its completion. I'd hate to run into this in space and be the enemy...You'd spare me right Fazoom?
Chris Gidden's Photostream
*Dez's Insert*
I just had to get in on this post.
It's been several years since I first saw a PCS creation. Since then, I've seen countless ripoffs, multiple MOCs in the same theme, and quite a few works from Chris. This might be one of my favorites.
The thought that's been out into every aspect of this ship is mindblowing. As per the norm, the details are spot on. I look forward to more Justice-filled goodness from Chris.
SF-100B Cobra
Since it is Novvember, I will be covering the VicVipers that are beautifully built; unless of course you catch my eye ;)
Peter Morris caught my attention with his latest SF-100B Cobra. An amazing build with large guns, big engines, and of course a comfy cockpit! This blows the vicviper minimum requirements away. What do you think?
For more on Peter Morris, vist his photostream.
Pure Greeb'
I was totally taken by surprise when I saw nnenn's new Exatikon fighter. It is almost totally made of greeb. Of course he knows how to catch all our attention.
See nnenn's photostream.
Legohaulic's "Rusty Saber" VicViper
Although Nnenn and Peter Morris are spearheading Novvember, many other talented builders have jumped on the bandwagon as well, such as Legohaulic. Here is his Rusty Saber. The repeated shapes add a lot of visual interset, and it's always nice to see brown used well in a space MOC.
Andrew Lee is the One.
This is awesome. 'nuff said.
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Tags: aerospace, apochalypse, dean, end of the world as we know it, movie, post-apoc, space, this is madness, vehicles
Rockets, Rayguns, and Robots
SlyOwl from flickr hasn't built much space, but his recent battle scene doesn't dissapoint. It's also nice to see some of the less popular space themes getting some attention.
Kelso does it again!
TBB beat me to it but I might as well post this for those who happen to miss it. Mark Kelso has divulged another beaut'; He calls it the Rusty Ferret. Its a wonder where he gets all these pieces...
Check out other photos on Mark Kelso's Photostream.
Need an Escort?
If you happened to miss Happy Weasel's latest addition to his alien armada, well then here it is! Happy Weasel has a unique style and an obvious fondness of a certain color...don't we all?
Also check out his Emissary.
And his Triple Wing.
I must Confess...
Of the many Mechas we see, this one is very unique. Mark Stafford has built an awesome display of his genius with his 6600M Confessor.
Mark Stafford is a very talented builder and you may want to check out his other work as well:
Mark Stafford's Mocpage
Shocking isn't it?
Of course, nnenn never disappoints. His frequent additions to his reputation leave the lego community in awe.
His latest Vic Viper is the Shockout, an amazing blend of orange and black with some neat features, check it out!
nnenn's photstream
Nov 4th
I won't say which way to vote, write in me if you want to, just vote.
Thanks for your time, and stay tuned for MOC postings.
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Tags: mike, still alive
... Military Mornings!
Have a look at the amazing job Aleksander Stein did with his Kamov Ka-66 'Tiger shark':
My favourite part is how awesome it is. But the mid section was a close second.
Little Plastic Death
TFOL McZargald has whipped out yet another in a line of creations of increasing quality.
This is a weaponized version of Chuck's racing mech
Mecha... mornings.
Let's start off this morning with a mean orange spidertank from scouzy.
I have little doubt that there is GITS influence here, which is a very good thing. This angle not only displays the well-placed hoses and sticker on the underside, but also gives a sense for how big this thing really is.
Chapter 82, in Which Jacob Finds a Dead Weasel on the Side of the Road and Breathes Life in it Anew
Check out this battle trike by martinbb:
I've always liked Martin's creations, and this is no exception. I especially like that he included the steering.
If you're looking for some spacey inspiration, check out the CSF Concept Art Gallery... -pool on flickr. Because he was having difficulties with their built-in gallery, Dan Rubin set up a flickr group and invites anyone with science fiction- or steampunk-related inspiration images to add them to the pool. Take a look!
And the blogging starts... NOW
There are nearly two hundred of you still checking here, so thank-you. My internet is better, I'm back from Brickcon, and most of my collection is sorted. Now feels like a good time to post.
(F40PH By Bill Ward)
Brickcon 2008 was great. I met a lot of really cool people, and I saw a lot of neat models. I had some interesting conversations with anyone unfortunate to acknowledge me, until they successfully shook me off during public hours. Some tidbits I learned at my first con:
- The public hours are total chaos, and should be avoided by ducking into one of the "Private Badge Areas" to listen to an interesting presentation.
- The best way to get around during public hours is by striding behind the tables, or, if you're feeling really cocky, in front of them.
- It is much easier to take pictures as a registered attendee than trying to get them from the visitor end of the stick.
- For that matter, consider taking your pictures five minutes before the doors open to the masses. That way, everything will be as ready as possible.
As I sort of promised, and way behind schedule, here are the galleries for the Space and Mecha layouts. Some of the pictures are a bit fuzzy, but I made a point of trying to get a picture of every single model in those categories. Enjoy!
Trackback, you say?
While TBB covers wobnam's weird dystopic vignette, we'll just have a look at this here cargo freighter he built.
Hmm, the name sounds familiar...
With Brickcon coming up, I might get a couple more posts in before we leave, but that will be it.
Unless, of course, I take my laptop and find an internet connection and cover the SPACE display. But for now, a cool mech by primus30eight.
Chapter 34, in Which Mike Breaks Jacob's Posting Streak
I just wanted to show you this humorous little piece. And to assure you that I am still alive. School+Illustrator+Female=No Blogging for Mike.
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Tags: mike, still alive, subtheme
A b o u t
Sporadic coverage of fan-built LEGO science fiction models. Neato!
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