Following up on the Flattery Challenge, Jacob posted his MOC built in Mainman's style.
Find out tonight, on the 6:12 news!
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Tags: group build, jacob, mike
My, you're looking lovely today.
Thwaak has posted a flattery challenge: five builders (including our own Jacob) have built MOCs, attempting to copy the style of one of the other four. Go check it out and throw your guesses in!
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Tags: dean, event, group build, jacob, this is madness, town
Dawn Forge roundup
Brian Kescenovitz put a lot of work into building an army to occupy Vancouver, and he has just finished uploading galleries of the individual models. Here they are, from most recent to oldest:
Starfleet Voyager REDUX
By Mark Stafford:
Stafford, (one of the LEGO company's model designers, who recently worked with the new power miners theme) effectively uses modern wedge slopes to breath new life into the original, while not straying too far from the source. Check out the trans goodies around the greeblies, as well as the engines. MOCpage
8038 The Battle of Endor
Chuck Citrin has uploaded a high-res picture of this future Star Wars set- take a look!
Taiidan Gunship
Every once in a while, there comes along a build that reaches the limits of the genre, and smashes through them with amazing results. I believe Rob's gunship may be the best model of 2009. I'll have to think a while to back that up, but look at it.
Is it from Argentina?
Brian Kescenovitz posted the next Dawn Forge thing! Yay!
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Tags: dean, diorama, group build, gush, industrial, inspiration, mech, mecha, military
Andrew is awesome.
I can no longer make "I BILDZ?!?!?" jokes, because I've actually been building quite a bit lately... But although I do love me some I Bildz jokes, I can recognize that it's a good thing overall to build more. Andrew is awesome. At least, as long as I build well. Andrew is awesome. I'll leave that up to you to decide. Andrew is awesome.
[flickr set]
The Show Us What You Got contest at the Starfighters group on flickr ended a couple of days ago, and it was awesome. Here, in order of entry, are my favourite fighters:
WAIT! Before you go, I should tell you that all the pictures are links.Dr. X was first out of the gates with a solid offering. Check out the nifty canopy.
Victor also used some tricky parts for his canopy, and gave the whole M-Tron ship a crazy shape.
Kevin's ship is rife with greebles, but is at the same time brightly organic.
Hase0 produce another signature ship with great parts use and all sorts of protrusions.
Rtyper built one of the most anime-influenced fighters and it shows. He also wasn't afraid to do a bit of customization.
Jason has done a great job mixing light and dark bley, and also made some good use of boat studs. Remember, parts repetition=win!
Simone's Rapier has a classy engine design and layout, as well as some hefty armament.
Fredo has shown that he's an expert at mixing colours with greys at mini scale.
Tekka Croe took first place with this wild thing- can you figure out why? (hint: it has to do with being awesome)
Rodney, one of the Dukes of Swoosh, entered this little beauty. I think the gun on the underside shoots nostalgia.
spacie's ship is actually a drone, and exhibits some traits typical of microships- sharp shaping, colour stripes, etc.
Stefan's Spaceneedle, although potentially violating a Seattle copyright law is nevertheless very cool, with its pointedness and darkbluiness.
Chrispockst shows some very Florean influnces here, and also made excellent use of puple.
Ben Jarvis edged his way into fourth place over a lot of other entries. The shell shape is actually outlining the particle accelerator that is the ship's gun. Science can be cool, you see.
steelbreeze built a classic ship with a great nose and cool engine intakes.
Micah says on his blog, "I was really trying to do something original with the shape, break away from the traditional arrow-head shape"... The word, my boy, is phallus.
Tim is showing a lot of Gould influence in this backwards ship.
Adrian's fighter looks like a garbage can that exploded, mixed with a wolf and an F-15, burst out of the museum ceiling.
xie2 built one of, if not the most epic entries. I only wish he had refined it a little further.
Tyler has balls.
Jerrec showed us what he got in a very big way- second place.
Another prizewinner, Cole took third place with his wonderfully bizarre Soylent Scream. I mean, what?
Nathan's was one of the less conventionally-shaped entries, and he used dark green, so he's cool.
Mark built this in three hours. >:(
Niels' ship may only look good at a glance, but take a look through his gallery, and you'll see how awesome it is.
Uspez Morbo has got a fantastic colourscheme here.
getfur built a very clean looking ship, with a nice split-tail design.
Justin crafted a beast out of the fires of Hell, I'm sure.
I've already used the words "classic" and "clean", but nash's fighter here is the classicest and cleanest of the bunch. It wins the SUWYG-Lite award.
Dean's Manitcore was so awesome, the judges simply couldn't handle it. They couldn't take all the win, and had to put it out of consideration.
Matt came in at the last minute with what would've been an awesome M-Tron set.
Jacob's Taki-Tsu-Hiko was so lame, the judges simply couldn't handle it. They couldn't take all the fail, and had to put it out of consideration.
... Yes, kids, you can sacrifice hours of sleep for your blog!
A b o u t
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